Coolgirl's Share Page

This page contains my favorite stuffs in books, music, videos, blog ,wallpapers,screens savers,games you name it. Hope you all will enjoy it and find it useful. Happy blogging to all.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Shockwave files(swf) Hostings

And finally after those weird hosting sites i found Image Shack that enables me to host my swf files.When i was trying to find it i ran onto a huge pile of questions that were asked on yahoo,forum and many social networks where people were asking for a place to host their swf files. The most voted answer was photobucket. But photobucket no longer allows hosting of swf in free account unless one's account is pro(premium).

Why did i search for such a thing? Because in my previous post (ambigram) my gif images didnt really rotate.i turned them to flash html codes it didnt work unless with a hosted swf file somewhere in I travelled the path of illumination to this.

Imageshack ---- damn cool----no account,no form filling,no password,no accessibility tests yet secure. Just upload files get the embed code or direct link or IM link and go hosting.I created this one in flash,exported it as swf,uploaded it in shacks and bingo!!!!.

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Wednesday, July 9, 2008

The Ultimate Ambigram Generator

When i read The Da vinci code i got fascinated with anagrams. I was familiar to it through my IT paper and network security paper before. I even remember a guy who was shown on "ripley's believe it or not" for his ability to built anagrams from any word he sees within seconds. I also put up a post named planet-anagram in which i found more than 98 words out of the word "Planet".(A task given to sophie in the da vinci code by her grandpa.I was just curious to play Sophie Neveu). And a friend of mine posted a comment giving me a link of an anagram generator. I followed the link and as soon as i enterd my word on the text box, below it, numerous words flashed which were the anagramatic possibilites of the entered word. Quite cool!!! So then i started with my next book of Brown's as you all know "Angels & Demons",Ambigram struck my mind. My first exposure to ambigram was through a blog by the same friend i mentioned above. An ambigram is a text written in such way when it is rotated 180 degrees it retains it shape(rotational ambigram).

But wait........!!!!! if there is an anagram generator why can't there be an ambigram generator??? So i googled up the thing and i found a bit of interesting stuffs. The ultimate generator link is at Ambigramatic.Follow link and enter any text in the box and within secs the text comes out as a perfect ambigram. Some ambigram tattoos can be found here at wow tattoos. I entered my name kavya and it came out well.
The fun thing in it is that it also generates two words of same length into ambigrams of each other.I entered kavya and angel and here's the ambigram.
The page here at the website named ambigram shows some latest ambigrams.And i also found that there are many types of ambigram such as rotational ambigram,reflectional ambigram differentiated according to their symmentry.
Follow links to see them
1.Major types of Ambigrams
2.Reflectional Ambigrams

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Sunday, July 6, 2008

Angels & Demons ---- THE MOVIE

It seems like Da Vinci Code got its Sequel. But The actual order is that as said in the book "Before Da vinci code,the world layed at the mercy of angels and demons". The similarities in the movies are Robert Langdon,Dan Brown and his genre of writing (history-religion-mystery).I am so much excited now itself as i was for Da vinci code and all i have to do is to wait. Till then get to know about things happening in the movie here

Download Novel Here

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Friday, July 4, 2008

Mukunda - from Dasavatharam

This is such a wonderful song from such a mega movie.Kamal has proved once again.Only certain movies earn my privilege of watching them in theatres and yes dasavatharam scored it. I loved the movie,the characters and yet there were some slagging in the screenplay. My favorite characters were Balram naidu,Flethcher,krishaveni.... and ya Govind.Among the other songs i loved this mukunda mukunda song so very much. Am not so devotional yet the lyrics and voice caught me up. So hear the

Download song here

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Wednesday, July 2, 2008

The ultimate IQ test

I was lately preparing for my SBI clerical cadre examination. So i was just curious on knowing how much can i score in it. I searched for some IQ tests and ended up with this one. Real damn good test. I was shocked by my results for an instance. Everybody should take this test. Just a bunch of nine questions and within a time of 300 sec one can get their IQ results.

So go Check it on......

Take the IQ test here


check out this game

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